

Carbon Black Oil

Carbon Black Oil

Product production:10 thousands mt / year
producers:Jining Chenguang Meibo Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Product production:10 thousands mt / year
producers:Jining Chenguang Meibo Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Product description:Carbon Black Oil is mixed with soft pitch and enthracene oil ,mainly used to produce carbon black and anti-decaying paint.
Carbon black Specification
QSI-1501 ver.1 2011March
Item (unit) Carbon Black oi(CBO)  Test melthod
Density (20℃)(g/cm3) Sp.Gr at 20℃ ≥1.160 GB/T15243
Viscosity (80℃)(oE) Viscosity at 80℃ ≤8.0 YB/T5030
Moisture (wt%) Moisture ≤0.50 GB2288
Ash (wt%) Ash ≤0.05 GB2295
 BMCI BMCI ≥155 -
Sulfur(wt%) Sulfur ≤0.7 GB/T214
T. I. (wt%) T.I. ≤8.0 GB/T2292
Sodium (Na) (PPM) Sodium(Na) ≤20 YB/T5176
Potassium(K) (PPM) Potassium(K) ≤2.0 YB/T5176
?2015 濟(jì)寧碳素集團(tuán)有限公司 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
電話:0537-2317667 傳真:0537-2317557